"Mare Balticum UAB launches the project "Investments in the development of innovative products and application of innovative marketing solutions by Mare Balticum UAB"
"Mare Balticum" UAB has started the implementation of the project "Investment of Mare Balticum" UAB in the development of innovative products and application of innovative marketing solutions" within the framework of the Operational Programme for Investment of the European Union Funds for the period 2014-2020, Priority 13 "Promotion of actions to overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 and preparation for an environmentally friendly, digital and sustainable economic recovery" of the measure No 13.1.1-LVPA-K-861 "Creative vouchers COVID-19".
The aim of the project is to introduce new services in a company in cooperation with an entity operating in the creative and cultural industries sector and to promote the dissemination of the new services and their benefits through marketing innovation. Project impact - The introduction of new services is expected to have a positive impact on the company's revenue growth potential, as well as to increase the company's competitiveness in the market by introducing innovative services. In addition, the project will enable the development and deployment of creative innovations, which will have a positive impact on improving the conditions for the creation and development of the CCI ecosystem.
The total value of the project is EUR 78 010.00. 75% of the total value of the project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project is scheduled to end on 31 December 2022.

Mare Balticum UAB launched the project Implementation of E-commerce model in Mare Balticum UAB
"Mare Balticum" UAB has launched the project "Implementation of an e-commerce model in Mare Balticum UAB" under Priority 13 of the Operational Programme for Investment of European Union Funds 2014-2020 "Promoting actions to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for an environmentally friendly, digital and sustainable economic revitalisation".
The aim of the project is to upgrade the e-commerce platforms of "Mare Balticum" UAB by digitising and introducing new customer self-service modules and functionalities that will ensure more efficient execution and management of business transactions electronically.
The total value of the project is EUR 61 440.00. 75% of the total value of the project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project is scheduled to end on 05.12.2023

Investments by legal persons in the substitution or reduction of the use of fossil fuels and/or the use of renewable energy sources no. BL-AM-IKM01-0059
Activity implemented: installation of a heat pump. Installation of a heat pump to reduce energy consumption. The company's activities are energy-intensive. We have partially replaced the furnace and gas heating with eco-friendly air-to-air heating.
Due to the limited amount of money available, we could not make a complete replacement.
Amount of funds received for this activity: EUR 5771,76
Source of funding: The measure is publicly funded